
You have three ways of using Padrino edge; the first one is using the git source code in a gem file, the second one is using a vendored version, and the third is to install edge into system gems from repository.

Git in Gemfile is suitable for those guys that only want Padrino’s latest bleeding edge code.

System Gems is suitable for people that want to use the latest padrino and freely use padrino g and padrino.

Path in Gemfile is recommended for developers because they can share their changes and merge repos between projects.

Git in Gemfile

# Edit Gemfile
gem 'padrino', :git => "git://"

and from console:

$ bundle install

after that you need to run your app in the bundler environment because if you call directly:

$ padrino g admin

you will use system wide gems. So for do that remember to run commands with bundle exec as a prefix like:

$ bundle exec padrino start
$ bundle exec padrino g controller foo
$ bundle exec padrino g admin
$ bundle exec padrino g model post

You can find more info about bundler usage on their site

System Gems from Repository

If you want to install the padrino edge gems into your system rubygems, simply follow the following steps. First, clone the padrino repository:

$ cd /tmp
$ git clone git://

Next, we should mark the version as dev(elopment) to get a fresh set of gems:

# /tmp/padrino-framework/padrino-core/lib/padrino-core/version.rb
module Padrino
  VERSION = '0.9.11-dev' unless defined?(Padrino::VERSION) # Change to bump version

Finally, run the fresh rake command to install the latest version:

padrino-framework$ sudo rake fresh

his will install the latest ‘edge’ gems into rubygems. Be sure to verify your project’s Gemfile depends on the edge version you installed:

# Padrino
gem 'padrino', 'X.X.X'  # This should be the version you installed earlier

or you can generate a new project easily and you can use padrino commands normally:

padrino g project test-project

This should allow you to use the latest padrino code from your system.

Path in Gemfile

$ mkdir /src
# Remember to use your fork
$ git clone git://
# Edit your ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile or some and add
alias padrino-dev="/src/padrino-framework/padrino-core/bin/padrino"
alias padrino-dev-gen="/src/padrino-framework/padrino-gen/bin/padrino-gen" # you can omit this

Reload source or open a new terminal window and check if you have padrino-dev and padrino-dev-gen commands correctly added to your path.

Create a new padrino project:

padrino-dev-gen project test-project --dev

or if you don’t have padrino-dev-gen

padrino-dev g project test-project --dev

This will append the following lines to your test-app/Gemfile:

# Vendored Padrino
%w(core gen helpers mailer admin).each do |gem|
  gem 'padrino-' + gem, :path => "/src/padrino-framework/padrino-" + gem

Make changes accordingly to your /src/padrino-framework to see them reflected through your padrino project now using your own vendored version of the framework.

REMEMBER to add always --dev when generating a project because without that the generated project will use the gem instead the git checkout.