
Padrino comes shipped with a slick and beautiful Admin Interface, with the following features:

|| |Orm Agnostic|Adapters for datamapper, sequel, activerecord, mongomapper, mongoid, couchrest| |Authentication|User Authentication Support, User Authorization Management| |Template Agnostic|Erb and Haml Rendering Support| |Scaffold|You can create a new “admin interface” by providing a single Model| |MultiLanguage|English, German, Russian, Danish, French, Brazilian and Italian localizations|

Admin Usage

Create a new project:

$ padrino g project fun-test -d datamapper
$ cd fun-test

Create the admin application:

fun-test $ padrino g admin

Follow the instructions in your terminal and provide some valid email and password for your newly created admin account:

  • edit your config/database.rb
  • migrate your database # padrino rake ar:migrate or # dm:migrate
  • seed your database with some data # padrino rake seed

Your admin section is now “setup”: you can start padrino padrino start and point your web browser to http://localhost:3000/admin and log in with your admin account credentials.

If you need to create some sort of “scaffold” (basic CRUD actions) create a model, migrate your database, generate your scaffolding folder structure and views and add those to your admin section by running this series of commands:

fun-test $ padrino g model post title:string body:text
fun-test $ padrino rake dm:migrate # or ar:migrate
fun-test $ padrino g admin_page post
fun-test $ padrino start

That’s it! Browse to http://localhost:3000/admin and access your model by clicking on the newly created tab on your admin navbar: there you can create, edit, destroy and display your objects.

Admin Authentication

Padrino Admin uses a single model Account for managing roles, memberships and permissions (User Authentication and Authorization).

Scenario Ecommerce (User Authentication)

To make some practical example, let’s examine some common ecommerce application scenario, where we usually need to restrain some users to get access to some of our controllers actions; we can easily accomplish this by editing app.rb accordingly:

class MyEcommerce < Padrino::Application
  register Padrino::Admin::AccessControl

  enable :authentication
  enable :store_location
  set    :login_page, "/login"

  access_control.roles_for :any do |role|
    role.protect "/customer/orders"
    role.protect "/cart/checkout"

In the above example we are protecting those paths starting with /customer/orders and /cart/checkout. The result will be that an unauthenticated user will not be able to access those actions, and he will be asked to authenticate first by visiting our :login_page defined as /login and by providing his login credentials (default authentication behaviour is email and password).

When successfully logged in, he will be granted access to those two pages.

Admin Scenario (User Authorization)

For Another example, let’s suppose that you need your admin account to do certain things and have access to certain controller actions, and your editor account needs to be restrained to get access to those same admin actions.

Padrino admin generator, will create for you a new Account model with a default role attribute.

 class Admin < Padrino::Application
  register Padrino::Admin::AccessControl

  enable :authentication
  disable :store_location
  set :login_page, "/admin/sessions/new"

  access_control.roles_for :any do |role|
    role.protect "/"
    role.allow "/sessions"

  access_control.roles_for :admin do |role|
    role.project_module :settings, "/settings"

  access_control.roles_for :editor do |role|
    role.project_module :posts, "/posts"
    role.project_module :categories, "/categories"

In the above example, we protect the entire admin section (all paths starting with “/”) with the only exception for all those paths starting with /sessions giving our unauthenticated users the possibility to log in by redirecting them to our login page and asking them to provide their email and password.

If we are logged in as an admin (account.role == ‘admin’) we will have access only to the /settings path.

If we are logged in as an editor (account.role == ‘editor’) we will have access only to the /posts and /categories paths instead.

Sharing Sessions Between Mounted Applications

Sessions can be shared between mounted applications by setting a :session_id with the line set :session_id, "your_session_id" in each apps app.rb.

Contributing Persistence Adapters

If you are planning to use padrino with other adapters rather than the currently supported ones, and you want to contribute to the project by extending its support with additional adapters like ohm, cassandra and so on, be sure to check out the adding new components guide.