
You can run Padrino (0.9.29 / 0.10.3 is tested) on JRuby 1.6.4.

Install on JRuby

You can easily install Padrino on jruby when you use rvm :

$ rvm use --create jruby-1.6.4@padrino
$ gem install padrino

Create Padrino project just as you do when using MRI or REE:

$ padrino g project jrack-test

cd ./jrack-test and you should edit Gemfile:

# JRuby deployment requirements
# please add these lines...
gem 'jruby-openssl'
gem 'jruby-rack'
gem 'warbler'

Now you can go:

$ bundle

Then, create the test controller:

padrino gen controller index get:index get:hello get:show_path

A controller sample is here:

# index.rb
JrackTest.controllers :index do
  get :index do
    "Hello, JPadrino!"

  get :hello, :map => '/:id' do
    "Hello, #{params[:id]}!"

  get :show_path, :map => '/show-path/*urls' do
    "You accessed: #{params[:urls].inspect}"

Then run:

padrino start

To run JRuby on 1.9 compat mode:

alias padrino='jruby --1.9 -S padrino'
padrino start

You can access localhost:3000 as you run padrino on MRI…

How to create WAR

Now you should have installed warbler gem, so you can:

warble config

Edit config/warble.rb if you want to apply some customizations. You can access JRuby-Rack official README and Warbler rdoc.

For example, if you want to deploy the app to server root directory, just add to config/warble.rb:

  config.jar_name = "ROOT"

Deploying with JRuby on 1.9 compat mode:

  config.webxml.jruby.compat.version = "1.9"

If you are ready, run:

warble war

You would get jrack-test.war (the same name as your project diresctory name), and you can deploy this war file to tomcat! I tested on tomcat 6.0.20, and it works well with quick response.