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Spec2 中缺省 Specification Trait 是函数化的,也就是说 Example 的 Result 值为代码中的最后一条语句提供。比如下面的示例,永远不会失败,这是本例的第一个测试的结果给丢掉了。

"my example on strings" ! e1           // will never fail!

def e1 = {
  "hello" must have size(10000)        // because this expectation will not be returned,...
  "hello" must startWith("hell")


"my example on strings" ! e1           // will fail

def e1 = "hello" must have size(10000) and



import org.specs2._

class HelloWorldAcceptanceSpec extends Specification  { def is = s2"""

 This is a specification to check the 'Hello world' string

  "my example on strings"    $e1

  def e1 = {
    "hello" must have size(10000)        // because this expectation will not be returned,...
    "hello" must startWith("hell")

这个例子来执行不会报失败,我们希望在执行“hello” must have size(10000)报错,不继续执行下面的测试,此时我们可以使用 org.specs2.matcher.ThrownExpectations,此时如果将这个 Trait 混合到定义的规范中,所有没有达到期望值的测试都会抛出 FailureException 异常,Example 之后的测试也不执行,比如修改后代码:

import org.specs2._
import org.specs2.matcher.ThrownExpectations

class HelloWorldAcceptanceSpec extends Specification with ThrownExpectations { def is = s2"""

 This is a specification to check the 'Hello world' string

  "my example on strings"    $e1

  def e1 = {
    "hello" must have size(10000)        // because this expectation will not be returned,...
    "hello" must startWith("hell")

这个测试的第一个检测“hello” must have size(10000)失败,整个 Example 失败,后续的测试也不会执行。