- 核心模块(Core Modules)
- 设备功能模块(Device Functionality Modules)
- 数据模块(Data Modules)
- 用户界面相关模块(User Interface Modules)
- application
- console
- locale-settings
- http
- image-source
- timer
- trace
- ui/image-cache
- camera
- location
- platform
- fps-meter
- file-system
- ui/gestures
- data/observable
- data/observable-array
- data/virtual-array
- ui/layouts/stack-layout
- ui/layouts/grid-layout
- ui/layouts/absolute-layout
- ui/layouts/wrap-layout
- ui/activity-indicator: Provides the ActivityIndicator class which represents a widget for showing that a service is currently busy.
- ui/button: Provides the Button class which is a standard button widget.
ui/label: Provides the Label class which is a standard label widget.
- ui/text-field: Provides the TextField class which represents an editable single-line box.
- ui/text-view: Provides the TextView class which represents an editable multi-line line box.
- ui/list-view: Provides the ListView class which represents a standard list view widget.
- ui/image: Provides the Image class, which represents an image widget.
- ui/progress: Provides the Progress class which represents a progress or loading indicator.
- ui/scroll-view: Provides the ScrollView class which represents a scrollable area that can show content which is larger than the visible area.
- ui/search-bar: Provides the SearchBar class which represents a standard search bar component.
- ui/slider: Provides the Slider class which represents a standard slider component.
- ui/switch: Provides the Switch class which represents a standard switch component.
- ui/tab-view: Provides the TabView class which represents a standard content component with tabs.
- ui/web-view: Provides the WebView class which represents a standard browser widget.
- ui/dialogs: Lets you show various dialogs such as alerts, prompts, confirmations and others.
- ui/list-picker: Provides the ListPicker class which represents a standard list picker component.
- ui/date-picker: Provides the DatePicker class which represents a standard date picker component.
- ui/time-picker: Provides the TimePicker class which represents a standard time picker component.
- ui/placeholder: Provides the Placeholder class which lets you add a native widget to the visual tree.