Chinese translation of the Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language document. This document contains the standard conventions that we at Sun follow and recommend that others follow. It covers filenames, file organization, indentation, comments, declarations, statements, white space, naming conventions, programming practices and includes a code example.
The last revision to this document was revised and updated on April 20, 1999 by Sun Microsystems. There is alse a GitBook version of the book: or Let's READ!
《Java 编码规范》中文翻译。这个文档包含了 Sun 所遵循以及推荐的标准的规范。它涵盖了文件名,文件组织,压缩,声明,注释,语句,空白,命名规范,编码惯例以及一个代码示例。
文档最后版本由 Sun 公司于1999年4月20日更新,虽然过去十几年,但这个规范至今对编码的规范指导仍然适用,特此翻译。如有勘误欢迎指正,点此提问。
另外有 GitBook 的版本方便阅读 或者国内访问速度快)